There Is Always A Victory Beyond Your Fear

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4 Minutes Read

Victory is beyond fear

It is human nature that we are always afraid of trying or doing some new things, and we always want to be in our comfort zone. But from childhood, we always heard that there is a victory beyond your Fear.

A few times before, I experienced the same situation whenever I thought or tried to do a new thing. The first thought that always came to my mind was ‘What if I will make a mistake and people will make fun of me?’.

There was also a phase in my life where I was afraid of clearing my doubts, be it at school, college, or at work. I thought about what people will think about me “What a silly question I’m asking” so I never got my doubts cleared.

Fear has two meanings-

Forget Everything And Run’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise’. The choice is ours.

I experienced some situations in my life and found that whenever I tried to run out of a particular situation, more the situations would occur and I have no option to escape from it but to face it either with fear or without fear.


“Fears are nothing more than a state of mind.”

Napoleon Hill

I would like to share one situation which I experienced while working as a trainee after the completion of my Master’s. One day in our office, we were playing a game in which different paper slips were made which had a different topic mentioned in it like sports, politics, etc and the task was every player was required to pick up a paper slip and speak about that particular topic for about two minutes.

While making the paper slips, I was praying to God that I should not get the Politics one, and unfortunately, I picked up the politics paper slip. I took a long breath and started speaking about Politics. After speaking, I observed my fear slightly disappeared.

From this instance, I learned a lesson “I will not fear rather I will face the situation” and here I chose the second meaning of fear in my life. I said to myself “If I can speak on ‘Politics’ with fear for continuously two minutes that means without fear I could have spoken on the same topic for a longer duration”.

“Men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed.”
– Lloyd Jones

Soon I realized few things which are as follows:

1. We should come out of our comfort zone.

2. We should never fear of doing or trying new things.

3. It’s okay to make mistakes, that’s how we learn.

4. Believe in yourself.

Let’s set a positive mindset that there is nothing I cannot do. It’s okay to feel nervous. You all might have heard the famous quote.

“Mistakes are proof that you are trying.”
– Jennifer Lim

Now, whenever I feel nervous or fearful, I speak to myself, “It’s okay to be a bit nervous, to make mistakes but it’s not okay if I don’t even try.

A positive mindset and attitude focus on the bright sides of life and now I feel that if you’re determined to face a challenging situation it is going to bring a sense of satisfaction and can be very fulfilling. Positivity leads to the path of success.

Here are some ways to overcome our fear:

1. Accept the challenge (mentally prepare yourself to do the task).

2. Step out of your comfort zone.

3. Take the action.

4. Learn from your previous mistakes.

5. Ask for help, if you want any.

6. Keep thinking of doing something new.

7. Stay positive and overcome your fear by chasing it.

So, keep learning new things, keep growing and defeat your fear.

Thank you!

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